Friday 23 December 2011

Sahabat2,My Friends,, amigos,vrienden,HERE are TOP10 IMMUNE BOOSTING FOODS ^__^


An old folk remedy, extract from these dark berries appears to block flu viruses in test tube studies. But scientists caution that further study is needed. The fruit itself is rich in antioxidants and may also have the ability to fight inflammation.

    Acai Berry

Hawked as a "super food" along with produce like blueberries, the little acai berry's dark color signals that it is high in antioxidants called anthocyanins. While the acai is not scientifically linked to specific disease- or illness-fighting ability, antioxidants may help your body fight aging and disease. Acai berries can be found most often in juice or smoothie form, or dried and mixed with granola.


Grapefruits have a good amount of vitamin C. But science has yet to prove that you can easily get enough vitamin C through foods alone, without supplementation, to help treat cold and flu. However, grapefruit is packed with flavonoids -- natural chemical compounds that have been found to increase immune system activation.  Dislike grapefruits? Try oranges or tangerines.


Known as a "super food," spinach is nutrient-rich.  It has folate, which helps your body produce new cells and repair DNA. And it boasts fiber, antioxidants, such as vitamin C, and more. Eat spinach raw or lightly cooked to get the most benefit.


Green or black? Both are loaded with disease-fighting polyphenols and flavonoids. These antioxidants seek out cell-damaging free radicals and destroy them. Caffeinated and decaf work equally well.

Sweet Potato

Like carrots, sweet potatoes have the antioxidant beta-carotene, which mops up damaging free radicals. Sweet potatoes also boast vitamin A, which is linked to slowing the aging process and may reduce the risk of some cancers.

Low-Fat Yogurt

This such a greatttt things to yogurt fans.A daily cup may reduce your chances of getting a cold.  Look for labels listing "live and active cultures." Some researchers believe they may stimulate your immune system to fight disease. Also look for vitamin D. Recent studies have found a link between low vitamin D levels and an increased risk of cold and flu.


A handful of almonds may shore up your immune system from the effects of stress. A recommended 1/4 cup serving carries nearly 50% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin E, which helps boost the immune system. And they have riboflavin and niacin, B vitamins that may help you bounce back from the effects of stress.


Hydrating and refreshing, ripe watermelon also has plenty of a powerful antioxidant, glutathione. Known to help strengthen the immune system so it can fight infection, glutathione is found in the red pulpy flesh near the rind.

pls read..""Cigarette smoking implicated in half of bladder cancers in women""

Current cigarette smokers have a higher risk of bladder cancer than previously reported, and the risk in women is now comparable to that in men, according to a study by scientists from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health. The report was published on Aug. 16, 2011, in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
This latest study uses data from over 450,000 participants in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study, a questionnaire-based study that was initiated in 1995, with follow-up through the end of 2006.
While previous studies showed that only 20 to 30 percent of bladder cancer cases in women were caused by smoking, these new data indicate that smoking is responsible for about half of female bladder cancer cases – similar to the proportion found in men in current and previous studies.  The increase in the proportion of smoking-attributable bladder cancer cases among women may be a result of the increased prevalence of smoking by women, so that men and women are about equally likely to smoke, as observed in the current study and in the U.S. population overall, according to surveillance by the CDC. The majority of the earlier studies were conducted at time periods or in geographic regions where smoking was much less common among women. 
The researchers found that the amount of risk brought on by smoking, called excess risk, was higher in this study than in previously reported. “Current smokers in our study had a fourfold excess risk of developing bladder cancer, compared to a threefold excess risk in previous studies. The stronger association between smoking and bladder cancer is possibly due to changes in cigarette composition or smoking habits over the years,” said study author Neal Freedman, Ph.D., in NCI’s Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG). “Incidence rates of bladder cancer in the United States have been relatively stable over the past 30 years, despite the fact that smoking rates have decreased overall. The higher risk, as compared to studies reported in the mid-to-late 1990s, may explain why bladder cancer rates haven’t declined.”
Although there have been reductions in the concentrations of tar and nicotine in cigarette smoke, there have been apparent increases in the concentrations of certain carcinogens associated with bladder cancer. A 2009 NCI/DCEG study was the first to suggest a higher risk for smoking-induced bladder cancer than previously reported.  That report, based on data from the New England Bladder Cancer Study, found that the association between cigarette smoking and risk of bladder cancer appeared to be stronger than it was in the mid-1990s. The results of the new study confirm the 2009 report. In the current study, former smokers were twice as likely to develop bladder cancer as never smokers, and current smokers were four times more likely than those who never smoked. As with many other smoking-related cancers, smoking cessation was associated with reduced bladder cancer risk. Participants who had been smoke-free for at least 10 years had a lower incidence of bladder cancer compared to those who quit for shorter periods of time or who still smoked.
“Our findings provide additional evidence of the importance of preventing smoking initiation and promoting cessation for both men and women,” said senior author Christian Abnet, Ph.D., also from DCEG. “Although the prevalence of cigarette smoking has declined, about 20 percent of the U.S. adult population continues to smoke.”
Even though smoking carries the same risk for men and women, men are still about four times more likely to be diagnosed with bladder cancer.  These results, as well as those from previous studies, suggest that difference in smoking rates explain only part of the higher incidence rates in American men.  The researchers suggest that occupational exposures, as well as physiologic differences, may contribute to the gender disparity.
In 2011, approximately 69,250 people will be diagnosed with bladder cancer in the United States, and 14,990 will die from the disease.
For more information about NCI’s Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, please visit:
For more information about smoking cessation, and resources for those who want to quit, please visit:
How to quit SMOKE??THIS is the SOLUTION!


Begitu pntas masa berlalu, pejam celik, kini aku sudah bergelar mahasiswi.
Masih jelas kenangan2 lalu di benak.masihku ingat teman rapatku di sekolah menengah.Detik2 yang sentiasa
ku nanti untuk berulang kembali.Tidak! itu semua mustahil untuk berulang kembali.Tangisan dan linangan
serta titisan air mata menjadi teman , dikala waktu begini.Sentiasa ku cuba menepis untuk mengingati
kenangan manis yang lalu, apakan daya ....
Dahulu, aku seorang pengawas sekolah di SMKSP,Gombak.Kehidupanku di ting.1 telah banyak mengajarku erti kesabaran.Biarpun suatu ketika dulu, aku berkeras untuk tidak belajar d SMKSP, kerana berjauhan dengan keluarga,namun kini..sekolah itu yang telah melahirkan aku seorang yang berjaya dlm PMR 2007.
Alhamdulillah..Di sana, aku tidak belajar banyak tentang kehidupan.Aku cuma, pergi kelas, pulang kelas..
Aku telah ditakdirkan untuk mengenal mujahidah asri, syaira aimi, zaffan ariffin, dan lain2.
Mereka antara teman rapatku di sana. Memandangkan mujahidah seorang pengawas dan kami sekelas,
jadi kami rapat.Mujahidah seorang yang caring, sangat mengambil berat, pandai bercakap dan digemari serta disayangi guru kerana sifatnya yang peramah.Apa yang kurang best tentang mujahidah, dia seorang yang kuat menangis, bukan menangis kerana homesick.menangis jika bergaduh.Aduss..
Kami selalu berehat bersama dengan Aqilah Zakaria, Syakirah Azami ..dll. Pokoknye, kami lah orang yang terawal berada di kantin semasa rehat.KAMI!! upss.tambahan, Mujahidah ialah seorang yg kuat makan, ^__^ Di sana aku suka beriadhah di waktu petang. Dulu, mase form 2, aku selalu jog ngn muja ,round skola.naik form 3 .xlarat da.*berat naik lgi* kdg2, aku beriadhah dengan rakan sekelas..wawa nazri, awadah, syue, sarah alia.syifa', ainnur ,tasha, dll sentiasa di hati.Mereka sangat sporting dan kelakar.Aku sangat beruntung mengenali mereka.^__^ alhamdulillah.Begitu cepat masa berlalu, PMR semakin hampir, stay up punye stay up.revise punye revise.tdo pun banyak juge.hihi~ alhamdulillah aku mndpt 9a .Aku mendapat tempat di SMAPL,negeri sembilan. *jauhnyeeeee!!!!(time tulah) ..hrm.aku pernh tanye mak aku dulu, kalau cemrlang PMR, n kalo dpt tawrn.kite xnk pergi tau! mak aku kate.suke hati lah. Tapi bila dapat keputusn, n dapat tawrn ke SMAPL, mama suruh pergi. ( i_i) sdihh!! Tp, mcm nk try kehidupan di sana..kehidupan dengan kehidupan sekeliling orang yang bertudung labuh.Muja, maaf, aku trpaksa tinggalkn,
Tapi, mase tu, x rase sangat rndu kat kwn2.yang rse nak balik SMKSP bila dah gi SMAPL.
Bila da dftar di SMAPL, perkara pertama yang aku hdapi ialah mengenali insan ini. Puteri, Minu, Suhaila,Mila,Anem,Jihan,Tiqah,Dijah,dll.Aishah Qielah dan Mimi.Mereka ialah rakan seumurku yang diwarkan masuk ke SMAPL.Di  SMAPL, AKU telah belajar BANYAK perkara yang sedikit sebanyak mematangkan aku.Persahabatan, ialah salah satu darinya .Aku sangat2 bersyukur mengenali mereka kerana mereka telah banyak membantu, terutamanye Puteri Sollehah. Aku menganggap puteri seorang rakan baik kerana dia sering menaikkan semangat, dan menceriakn keadaan.Puteri seorang yang sangat pandai,
pandai bertutur,speaking, debat, dari segi akademiknya lagi hebat! kdg2 aku terase aku xlayak nak belajar dengan pu3 sebab, puteri ni memang hebat orangnye.aku xkn sesekali belajar dgan pu3,dan dijah.teapi,kdg2 terpaksa juga,*malu rsenye* Mase hari first aku dftar di SMAPL, aku dah setkan niat dan azam yang aku akan belajar bersungguh-sungguh! kerana aku akan menyambung pelajaranku ke luar negara!itulah azamku dulu!tetapi, dimanakah silapnya, aku lalai dan leka.alpa.ntahlah.Pada waktu SPM semakin hampir, dapatku rasekan yang keputusanku takkan pergi last minute, aku ingat lagi.pada waktu akhir2 nk SPM.aku nk stay up,dan aku lalu di bilik sebelah(bilik pu3 dan dijah).Mereka dah tidur. Dalam atiku, xpelah.mereka dah pandai.aku ni ha,sape soh men2.hmm.STOP KAT SPM**xde mood
akhir tahun 2009,kami telah menghadapi SPM.aku sedar yang aku bakal keluar dr SMAPL untuk selamanya!
Dan aku tahu aku juga bakal menghadapi satu lagi perpisahan ..........